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原文:<br />Just a reminder: As we mentioned a couple weeks back, on November 11, 2009, all current World of Warcraft players must merge their World of Warcraft accounts with a Battle&#46;net account in order to log in to the game&#46; As our way to say "thanks" for taking a moment to go through the process, all accounts that upgrade to Battle&#46;net will receive a brand-new penguin in-game pet&#46; On November 11, all World of Warcraft players will need to log in to the game using a Battle&#46;net username and password, and anyone who wishes to create a new World of Warcraft account will need to start with a Battle&#46;net account&#46;<br />Creating a Battle&#46;net account is simple and free&#46; To merge your existing account with a Battle&#46;net account and receive your penguin in-game pet today。<br />提醒:几个星期前我们曾经提到,2009年11月11日以后,魔兽世界所有玩家必须将WOW帐户与一个BN帐户相链接才能登入游戏。作为完成这项步骤的奖励,所有链接了BN的帐户将得到一个崭新的企鹅宠物。11月11日,所有WOW玩家将需要BN用户名和密码来登入游戏,任何新建账号也必须要拥有BN帐户。<br />建立BN帐户简单且免费。今天就把你的帐户与BN链接并得到企鹅宠物吧。<br />《魔兽世界》详细资料:http://WOW&#46;52pk&#46;com/ <br />客户端下载:http://down&#46;52pk&#46;com/xiazai/4796&#46;shtml <br /><br /><br /><br /><blockquote class="blockquote">From: http://www&#46;hd178&#46;cn/bbs/read&#46;php?tid=10194  Powered by PHPWind&#46;com</blockquote>
”济源户外网” www.jyhww.com 倡导“积极健康”的生活方式、崇尚“自然、和谐、真诚、友爱”的人文精神,以“自主、绿色、氧气、阳光、健康、友谊”为宗旨,由热爱生活、热爱大自然的群体组成。是户外运动者的家园,也是个人挑战自我。
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